My graduation!

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville
Finally the big day has arrived. I already have a double Bachelors Degree in Telecommunication and Journalism. =)
I am very happy. There have been 5 years where I have learned a lot and I have grown personally and professionally. It’s a little sad when one stage ends, but I’m sure the next step will be even better.

I want to share with you some pictures of this special day for me. Do you like my dress? How do I look with the gown?

Por fin ha llegado el gran día. Ya soy Doble Licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual y Periodismo.  =)
Estoy muy contenta. Han sido 5 años donde he aprendido muchísimo y he crecido personal y profesionalmente. Es un poco triste cuando una etapa se acaba, pero seguro que la próxima será todavía mejor.
Quiero compartir con vosotros las fotos de este día tan especial para mí. ¿Os gusta mi vestido? ¿Qué tal me queda el birrete?
Enfin le grand jour est arrivé. J’ai déjà un double diplôme en Communication Audiovisuelle et  Journalisme. =)
Je suis très heureux. Ils ont été 5 ans où j’ai beaucoup appris et j’ai grandi personnellement et professionnellement. C’est un peu triste quand une phase se termine, mais je suis sûr que le prochain sera encore mieux.
Je veux partager avec vous des photos de cette journée très spéciale pour moi. Aimez-vous ma robe? Comment je me vois avec le gown américain?
fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville

fashion blogger, Diana Dazzling, cmgvb, graduation, UF, the Swamp, Gator Country, UF, University of Florida, Commencement, Gainesville
Today I’m watching : “We are ready…” by University of Florida, Commencement

Today I’m listening: “Pomp & Circumstance March nº1” by Edward Elgar

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